Monday, June 30, 2008

Bicycling in Portland

We spent a long weekend in Portland. It is a very bike friendly city. There are designated bike routes and helpful signs point you in the right direction. The signs tell you how many miles you have until your next destination and how many minutes it should take.

We temporarily joined one of the pedalpalooza events. It is a three week long event with a different reason for a whole bunch of bicyclists to get together every day. Today was splish-splash day -- we toured various fountains around the city and socialized.

Amazing! Bicyclists and pedestrians trafficing together in harmony. In our hometown Chico, the University has banned all bicycle riding on campus because they felt it is unsafe. This makes a large segment of downtown Chico un-bikable.

These simple signs were painted on the ground of Hawthorne bridge, and set very basic rules for safe bicycling and walking.
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Friday, June 27, 2008

Street Art

This sticker was spotted in Arcata.

This one is from Portland.

This one was in Portland also.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Choppers Vs. Fire

The forested hills northeast of Chico caught fire and the blaze has been moving up and through the canyons. Here is a tandem helicopter taking off from the airport.

Helicopter #801 carrying a bucket to the blaze.

A forestry airplane taking off while two helicopters follow.

The helicopters are heading towards the blaze on the horizon.

Military Marketing

I guess this is what happens when the Marines don't pay their billboard bills. Not sure what's worse -- tax money going towards marketing companies, or said companies tearing the face off our marines.

Mac Daddy Black Stick

I never got into tagging but I'm gonna add it to my list of things to do before I die. Here is the work of Mac Daddy Black Stick and his brother (the name escapes me).

Monday, June 9, 2008

Old Trucks

In another day and age I would drive an old beat up truck. FM radio and a bench seat. Of course the lady would sit in the middle. I've spotted this yellow truck driving around town.

Another old Chico truck.

I found this one at the coast.

This one is hidden in the trees where it can decompose with dignity.

Where you going with that cleaver in your hand?

This is a Jimi Hendrix mural in back of the butcher shop at the Arcata North Coast Coop.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Gone With the Wine

This window mural appeared at a local Grocery Outlet. I am assuming that they were promoting their wine specials.

Is this mural intended to embody the depression and the loss of self as an open-shirted wino stares at the bottle before him? Or is it a call to take advantage of Grocery Outlet's wine specials?

You are what you drink. Gone with the wine.

Andy's Smoked Sushi

I caught my neighbor Andy making smoked sushi. He was curing slices of fresh salmon in smoke that he had trapped in a small fish bowl.

After a few minutes of smoke treatment, the sushi pieces were delicious!