Monday, June 30, 2008

Bicycling in Portland

We spent a long weekend in Portland. It is a very bike friendly city. There are designated bike routes and helpful signs point you in the right direction. The signs tell you how many miles you have until your next destination and how many minutes it should take.

We temporarily joined one of the pedalpalooza events. It is a three week long event with a different reason for a whole bunch of bicyclists to get together every day. Today was splish-splash day -- we toured various fountains around the city and socialized.

Amazing! Bicyclists and pedestrians trafficing together in harmony. In our hometown Chico, the University has banned all bicycle riding on campus because they felt it is unsafe. This makes a large segment of downtown Chico un-bikable.

These simple signs were painted on the ground of Hawthorne bridge, and set very basic rules for safe bicycling and walking.
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